Frequently Asked Questions

1How long is a coaching engagement?
The length of the coaching engagement is based on your individual needs and goals. Sessions can range anywhere from one or two sessions to ongoing coaching. Many clients report strong gains from their coaching experience and return to coaching at some point after completing one goal to begin working on another. Sometimes clients gain a strong sense of clarity and motivation from just a few sessions. After meeting with you we will make a recommendation and develop a plan and schedule that works for you.
2How are you different than a career counselor?
We help clients gain a deeper understanding of who they are, where their talents and interests lie, and how they can maximize their time, energy, and outcomes. We take a much more involved approach to helping you discover your purpose while developing the essentials that research has shown to be necessary for fulfilling life. We work with you to help develop a road map for life rather than simply identifying a few career options. We also focus in on ways to improve your personal effectiveness through EI training and through the use of appropriate accountability coaching.
3What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence (EI) can be defined as the ability to identify and manage emotional information in oneself and others and to focus energy on required behaviors. Also known as “social intelligence,” the skills and competencies that comprise EI complement a person’s cognitive and technical skills.
4Why is EI important?
Emotional intelligence is highly correlated with life, job, and relational satisfaction. It is also highly correlated with salary. Research shows that EI accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs. It is the biggest predictor of performance in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. The link between EI and earnings is so direct that every point increase in EI adds $1,300 to an annual salary! Source: Bradberry & Greaves, Emotional Intelligence, 2.0
5Who will I work with?
All clients work directly with our lead coach and founder, Donny Hobbs. Donny is a Certified Executive Coach and Licensed Marriage and Family therapist. You may also work with some of his affiliates, depending on your specific needs and goals. Donny collaborates with other executive coaches, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, and assessment administrators. He also refers to an in-house dietitian when appropriate. Donny’s training in habit transformation, coaching, and behavioral interventions are key components that show up in his work with clients. He is also passionate about helping people succeed by identifying their strengths and interests and by helping them tap into the power of emotional awareness and regulation.
6Can I engage in life and career coaching?
One of our unique offerings is that we create personalized solutions for your specific needs. The reason we take this approach is that people don’t fit into boxes, and neither do their challenges. We will work with you to achieve your goals and set you up for success without limiting your potential by only addressing certain needs.
7I don’t live in the Twin Cities. Can I still get coaching?
Yes. Many of our clients prefer to receive their coaching services over the phone or through a secure online video platform. Our clients are located in different cities and different states and we want to ensure that distance is not an issue for anyone who wants to pursue a fulfilling and meaningful life.
8My son/daughter is graduating from high school next spring. How can your program help them prepare for college?
We start by using assessments that show where their strengths and interest lie, which is essential information when choosing a major. Through the use of coaching and assessment results we can come up with a strategic game plan that involves identifying areas of study that currently interest your son or daughter and align with their strengths. We also incorporate a high level of emotional and social awareness training that sets them up for success as they transition from high school into college.
9What is the first step in the process?
You can email or call to set up an initial consultation.
10Can I pay in installments?
Yes. We will work with you to develop a payment plan that works with your budget.
11Do you provide coaching for clients younger/older than 18-34.
Absolutely. If you desire positive change in your life, we will work with you to help achieve your goals regardless of age. Donny has worked with clients between the ages of 16 and 74 to help them prepare for or secure a better future.