The LCM Advantage

The Six Pillars of Success

When pursuing success, there is almost always the need for change and growth. We all know that change is hard. But the bigger challenge is making change stick. Our Six Pillars approach helps you make positive changes and improve results in ways that are sustainable over time, enhancing your outcomes in career, relationships, and life.

The Six Pillars of Success (and why they matter!)

Increasing Confidence
Optimal Confidence is the healthy mindset that allows us to pursue our goals and dreams with energy and determination. An essential component of success.
Creating Sustainable & Healthy Habits
Our lives are a series of habits. From your first thought in the morning to how you hold a pen. Often we develop habits that get in the way of our success. These habits can range from negative thought patterns to self-defeating behaviors. We help you to modify unhelpful habits and develop healthy, success-oriented behaviors.
Learn more about our Radical Habit Transformation process HERE
Emotional Resilience
Life can be challenging so we need to be prepared. The list of benefits from developing emotional resilience is well-established. Increased learning capacity, lower burnout rates, increased life-satisfaction scores, reduced stress and anxiety levels. The list goes on and on. We use scientific-backed methods to help you stay emotionally vibrant in the face of adversity, which allows you to take set-backs in stride.
Learn more about our Emotional Resilience program HERE
Increasing Positivity
Clients are often in pursuit of success with the belief that once they find success they will be happy. Our approach to success moves in a different direction. In order to be successful, we believe that happiness must come first. We develop a direct path to happiness through the use of our Positivity Protocol, which promotes a positive outlook, happiness, AND success.
Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness
Words are important. Relationships are critical to our success. We place a high value on helping people create sustainable, healthy relationships and communication styles. Our approach to interpersonal effectiveness includes enhancing assertive communication skills, developing emotional intelligence/awareness, and developing/enhancing the art of setting healthy boundaries.
Partnering for Accountability
Accountability is key when it comes to goal-setting, habit transformation, or any type of behavior change. We are 80% more likely to follow through and achieve our goals when working with someone who can hold us accountable. We partner with you to help you create the sustainable change you would like to see in your life.
Learn more about Accountability Coaching HERE